Effortless Energy

tapping into the energy around us

Hey there, beautiful beings!

I invite you to think about where your energy is coming from. Perhaps food is the first thing that comes to mind, or maybe it’s coffee, tea, or carbonated energy drinks. And maybe it even changes throughout the day!

Does that mode of energy create a lightness in your body, or a density?

I used to be a bigger coffee drinker than I am today, but one day I realized that coffee really hurts my tummy and sometimes creates other trouble depending on how much I’ve had that day.

When we tune into how we are feeling both physically and emotionally we enable ourselves to become aware of things we might want to shift and change to create the best version of ourselves. Two simple, natural, FREE and effective ways to raise your overall energy are

  1. Sunbathing - simply sitting in the sunlight, allowing the patient high vibrational warm light to enter your body, flushing out densities that are stuck

  2. Earthing/Grounding - skin to Earth; bare feet or bare hands placed on a tree, the grass, or whatever dirt you can find, there is an instant energetic exchange where the human body releases density into the Earth to dissipate, and Earth gives us cool, calm and collected energy

Let’s energize together!

xoxo Nancy Jane


old school songs

Nothing gives you effortless energy like when your jam comes on from when you were growing up!

For me it’s the late 90’s and early 2000’s.

It’s crazy how instantaneous the energy can hit you, depending on how long it’s been since you’ve heard it and how much you love the song.

So if you’re ever feeling down on energy, I encourage you to start jamming out to some of your favorite songs.


Routines and priorities shift as time is experienced, and that’s okay. I like to keep things simple and easy to maintain. Lately, my focus has been:

  1. fitness Monday - Thursday

  2. pop-up shop on Friday & Saturday

  3. family and reset Sunday

Keeping things simple allows my energy to be used wisely and flow more freely.


Crystals & Consults

It’s that time y’all! We’re starting live crystal sales and FREE consults.

This will take place on Instagram every other week until we can shift over to YouTube. I’m still doing some research to decide what day and time. Feel free to respond to this email to share with me the times you would most likely join us.

Once that is decided, I will post the details on both Instagram and YouTube, so make sure you follow me in both places. @evolvingmundane

I’m excited to grow a deeper connection with you through this and spread the ease and beauty of high vibrational crystal energy!



  • Element: Water

  • Chakras: Throat & Heart

  • Planet: Neptune

  • Birth Stone: March

  • Astrological Houses: Gemini, Pisces, & Aries

  • Hardness: 8

  • Colors: Light Blue & Green

  • Found In: Brazil, Pakistan, Afghanistan, China, Kenya, Madagascar, Mozambique, Ukraine, & U.S.

Main Properties & Uses:

  • Anger Release

  • Anxiety Release

  • Calming

  • Cleansing

  • Communication

  • Compassion

  • Heart Soothing

  • Higher Self Connection

  • Intuition

  • Inspiration

  • Meditation

  • Patience

  • Peace

  • Protection

  • Physical Healing

  • Psychic Work

  • Protection

  • Reflection

  • Stress Release

  • Tranquility

  • Trust

  • Truth

Shop our current Aquamarine offerings HERE




29th - The Summer Barn Market 15436 Palmyra Rd Diamond, OH 44412 9-4

If you made it this far, thank you!

Remember to feel, create, and unapologetically shine your light.

All my love,

xoxo Nancy Jane

P.S. If you’re ever looking for energy guidance, consider a Connection Call with me for one-on-one time together so we can find where to shift your energetic focus to enable your most heart aligned life! Please feel free to book a session if it aligns with your needs. ❤️

** Some links in this letter are affiliate links, meaning I receive a small commission if you purchase with the link I provide. You’re NOT charged extra for this!